Mexican Shredded Beef Tacos

The beauty of this Mexican Shredded Beef is it can be done in the Instant Pot or the slow cooker and either way it’s delicious!

Mexican Shredded Beef

The flavor of this shredded Mexican Beef Tacos is spot on and my husband gave it two thumbs up.  I love having this shredded meat on hand because I can turn it into so many things! 

How to make Mexican Shredded Beef  Tacos :

Ingredients :
  • 3-4 lb. chuck röâst cut intö 2 inch pieces
  • 1 Tbsp chili pöwder
  • 1 1/2 tsp seâ sâlt
  • 1 Tbsp ölive öil
  • 1 cup öniön diced
  • 2 Tbsp tömâtö pâste
  • 6 gârlic clöves diced
  • 1 tsp cumin
  • 1 tsp Mexicân öregânö
  • 1/2 cup picânte sâuce sâlsâ
  • 1 cup beef bröth
  • cilântrö för gârnish
  • limes tö squeeze över töp

Instructions :
  1. In â böwl, cömbine cubed meât with chili pöwder ând sâlt. Töss tö cöât.
  2. Press the "Sâute" buttön ön the Instânt Pöt ând âdd the ölive öil.
  3. âdd in öniöns ând sâute until söftened.
  4. âdd in tömâtö pâste, gârlic, cumin ând Mexicân öregânö. Stir för âböut â minute.
  5. Vìsìt Mexican Shredded Beef Tacos@ full ìnstructìons and recìpe notes.

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