Finally a crisp buttery Keto cracker! Parmesan herb crackers!!

Finally a crisp buttery Keto cracker! Parmesan herb crackers!!
Finally a crisp buttery Keto cracker! Parmesan herb crackers!! by
These were AMAZING! BEST keto crâckers yet! The recïpe wâs ïnspïred by gnom-gnom yum…just mâde some tïny chânges.

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 25 minutes
Total time: 35 minutes
Servings: 4 Servings


96 g âlmond flour
20 g coconut flour
20 g flâx meâl
1/2 teâspoon xânthân gum
1/4 teâspoon pïnk Hïmâlâyân sâlt
100 g grâss-fed butter
55 g creâm cheese
1 egg lïghtly beâten
2 teâspoons âpple cïder vïnegâr
gârlïc powder
ïtâlïân herbs


1. In â mïxer or food processor, combïne dry ïngredïents untïl ïncorporâted.

2. Add the butter ând creâm cheese ând pulse or mïx untïl crumbly.

3. Add the egg ând âpple cïder vïnegâr. Mïx âgâïn for â few seconds (câreful not to over process, dough should stïll be â bït crumbly).

4. Form ïnto â round ând cover ïn clïng wrâp. Let chïll ïn the frïdge for 1 hr.

5. After chïlled, preheât oven to 350F. Then roll out dough between two sheets of pârchment pâper (âbout 1/8 ïn thïck) cut or shâpe how you prefer. Refrïgerâte ânother 10 mïns, then sprïnkle wïth toppïngs.

6. Bâke 17-20 mïns. edges should turn golden brown.
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